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Caramel and chocolate tartelette


Mandarin Cremeux


Muscovado flan


Blackberry & Caper Leaf Cremeux


Savory Hazelnut Crisp


Coffee bean sugar shell


Dark Choclate Mousse

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Beetroot pie tee


Butternut squash buñuelo


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For those who are eager to begin immediately, we have provided the recipes that are ready for you to start with. Are you truly interested in experiencing the flavors? If so, please visit the website or YouTube channel of our dining partner: Jules Cooking. Explore his recipe videos, follow the instructions, and marvel at the results. Enjoy!


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Crispy Carrot Leaves

200 grams

cooked carrot

100 grams

orange juice

100 grams

isomalt sugar

80 grams

icing sugar

20 grams


First mix the cooked carrots with the orange juice, the isomalt sugar, the icing sugar and the glucose. Now blend this till completely smooth. Then transfer it into a bowl and let it cool down in your fridge. Once cold spread it on a leaf stencil. This one is from Mold Brothers. Make sure it’s evenly spread and then gently remove the stencil. Now bake it at 120 degrees Celsius for 1 hour. After the hour gently remove the leaves from the sheet and when still hot shape them between a leaf press. Click here for the press. Now keep them dry and covered for later.

Feulletine crisp

10 grams


30 grams


200 grams


100 grams


80 grams

egg white

50 grams

white chocolate

Mix the glucose with the water and the sugar. Caramelize this over medium heat. Once it turns into a golden caramel, add the almonds. While mixing, caramelize them for about 3 minutes until they become golden brown. Continue to heat the pan over medium heat. Then, pour the mixture onto a silicone sheet and allow it to cool down completely.

Once it has cooled, transfer it into a blender and add the egg white and white chocolate. Blend until smooth. This process may take some time, but achieving a very smooth consistency is crucial.

Now, spread the mixture onto a silicone sheet using a small circle stencil. Afterward, remove the stencil and bake the circles at 160 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. While they are still hot, delicately remove them from the sheet and press them directly between the press. It’s a good idea to slightly heat the press as well to prevent them from breaking. Keep the circles dry and covered for later use.

Furikake Buñuelo

150 grams


100 grams




3 grams


5 grams

furikake flakes or powder

125 grams


Pour the milk into a measuring jar and also add the beer, the egg, the salt, the furikake and the flour. Now blend it till smooth for a minute and then let it rest for 30 minutes in your fridge. Meanwhile heat up some frying oil till it’s 180 degrees Celsius together with the buñuelo stamp. Click here for the stamp. Then gently press the stamp in the batter for 5 seconds. After fry it for around 20 seconds till the batter let’s go of the stamp. Then deep fry it till golden brown. Meanwhile you can just continue deep frying the buñuelos. Just beware that the stamp stays hot. Otherwise the batter will stick. If the buñuelo let’s go of the mold while dipping it in the batter, it means that the oil is to hot. 180 degrees Celsius is the perfect temperature. Once golden take them out of the oil and keep them dry and covered.

Beetroot Pie Tee

900 grams

beetroot juice

20 grams

balsamic vinegar

50 grams


50 grams

rice flour

25 grams

corn starch



3 grams


First bring the beetroot juice to a simmer and let it reduce till it weighs 280 grams. Now add the balsamic vinegar and then let it cool down completely. Then add the flour, the rice flour, the corn flour, the egg and the salt. Now blend this till it’s a smooth batter. Then let it rest for at least 1 hour in your fridge. After that heat up some frying oil till it’s 170 degrees Celsius and also put in your pie tee stamp to heat it up. Once the oil is hot gently mix it with a whisk. Then take the stamp and gently press it in the batter. Now transfer it into the hot oil and fry it for 30 seconds. Then the pie tee should let go from the stamp. Deep fry it till the pie tee stop bubbling. Then repeat this process with the remaining batter. Keep them dry and covered for later.

Spinach Pie Tee

300 grams

vegetable broth

50 grams


50 grams


50 grams

rice flour

25 gram

corn starch



3 grams


Start by bringing the vegetable broth to a rolling boil. Once it reaches a boil, introduce the spinach to the broth. Without delay, rapidly cool down this mixture. Next, transfer the cooled mixture to a blender and blend until achieving a smooth consistency (usually about 3 minutes). Incorporate the flour, rice flour, corn flour, egg, and salt into the blend. Continue blending until the mixture forms a seamless batter. Allow this batter to rest for a minimum of 1 hour in the refrigerator.

Subsequently, heat frying oil to a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius (338 degrees Fahrenheit), and also preheat your pie tee stamp. When the oil is sufficiently heated, gently agitate it using a whisk. Carefully dip the stamp into the batter and then transfer it into the hot oil. Fry for approximately 30 seconds until the pie tee easily releases from the stamp. Continue deep-frying until the pie tee ceases to bubble. Repeat this procedure for the remaining batter. Store the prepared pie tee in a dry and covered space for later use.

Blackberry & Caper Leaf Cremeux

150 grams

2 leaves or 3.3 grams

300 grams

2 leaves or 3.3 grams

5 grams

caper leaves on olive oil

60 grams


80 grams

egg yolk

15 grams

corn starch

3 leaves or 5 grams


First soak the gelatin in cold water. Then pour the blackberry juice into a saucepan and also add the caper leaves, the cream, the sugar, the egg yolk and the corn starch. Mix this well and while stirring heat it up till it’s 85 degrees Celsius. Once thickened dissolve the gelatin. Then pass it through a fine sieve. After that fill your desired mold. Now remove any excess cremeux and let it set in your freezer. Let it defrost on a plate and it’s ready to be used.

White Chocolate Mousse

2 leaves or 3.3 grams


100 grams


180 grams

white chocolate

200 grams


50 grams


20 grams


90 grams


First soak the gelatin in cold water. Then pour the 100 grams of cream into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Once it’s boiling dissolve the gelatin and add the white chocolate. Mix this till completely emulsified. Then pour the 200 grams of cream into a bowl and beat it until it’s at yoghurt thickness. After that transfer the sugar into a saucepan together with the water. Heat this up till it’s 118 degrees Celsius. While the suger is heating up transfer the egg into a mixing bowl and start mixing it. Once the egg is fluffy add the hot sugar syrup and beat this till it’s at room temperature. Now pour the white chocolate ganache on the egg mixture and fold it together. Then pour the egg mixture on the beaten cream and gently fold this together. Now fill your desired mold and let it set in your fridge for 30 minutes. After that let it set in your freezer. Once its frozen remove it from the mold and slowly let it defrost in your fridge.

Green Pea Flan

200 grams

green peas

100 grams

double cream

30 grams

olive oil


lovage leaves



4 grams


First bring a pan of water to a boil and season the water with salt. Now blanch the green peas for 1 minute. Then cool them down in ice water. After that mix the green peas with the remaining ingredients and blend this till smooth. Once it’s smooth fill your desired mold. Then tap the mold a couple of times to remove any air bubbles and cook it at 140 degrees Celsius for 8 minutes or steam it at 85 degrees Celsius for 16 minutes. Then let them cool down for 5 minutes. You can already remove the flan from the mold like this, but if it’s a difficult mold it might be better to freeze the flan first before unmolding it. Then let it slowly defrost for a perfect texture.

You can serve it cold, but if you want to heat it up then do this covered at 80 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes. By doing it low and slow, you will keep the nice texture without drying out the flan.

Vanilla Chiboust

2 leaves or 3.3 grams


250 grams


60 grams

egg yolk

25 grams

corn starch


vanilla pod

First soak the gelatin in cold water. Then pour the cream into a saucepan and also add the egg yolk and the corn starch. Now cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds. Add then together with the empty vanilla pod to the cream and while stirring heat this up till it has thickened. Then remove the vanilla pod. Now dissolve the gelatin and mix it well. After that pour it into a bowl and set it aside for later.

30 grams


60 grams


50 grams

egg white

10 grams


Pour the water into a saucepan together with the 60 grams of sugar. Heat this up till the sugar is 118 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile pour the egg white into a mixing bowl and start beating it. When a white foam starts to form add the 10 grams of sugar. Then when the syrup is 118 degrees Celsius slowly add it to the meringue. Make sure to pour it on the side. Now beat it for 2 minutes. After that add the meringue to the vanilla cream and fold this together till it’s a smooth and airy chiboust. Now fill your lemon mold almost all the way to the top and tap it a couple of times to remove any air bubbles. Then press the lemon interior in the chiboust and make it level using a pallet knife. Now let it set in your freezer.

Mandarin Cremeux


mandarins (130 grams of juice)

1.5 leaves or 2.5 grams


100 grams


30 grams


40 grams

egg yolk

10 grams

corn starch

First soak the gelatin in cold water. Then cut the mandarins in half and juice them. After pass the mandarin juice through a fine sieve. In total you’ll need 130 grams. Also add the cream, the sugar, the egg yolk and the corn starch. Mix this well and while stirring heat it up till it’s 85 degrees Celsius. Once thickened dissolve the gelatin. Then fill your desired mold. Now remove any excess cremeux and let it set in your freezer.

Yoghurt Mousse

3 leaves or 5 grams


60 grams


150 grams


160 grams


40 grams



vanilla pod

First soak the gelatin in cold water. Then cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds (keep the empty pod for another recipe). Mix the seeds with the 60 grams of yoghurt and the sugar and heat this up till it starts to steam. Once that happens turn off the heat and dissolve the gelatin. Then add the 150 grams of yoghurt and set it aside for later. Meanwhile start beating the cream till it’s at yoghurt thickness. Now take the yoghurt and check the temperature. It needs to be at room temperature. Then while stirring add the yoghurt to the cream and gently fold this together. Once it’s an even mousse fill you desired mold and tap it a couple of times to remove any air bubbles. Then let it set it your fridge for 30 minutes. When it’s set you can let it freeze till solid in you freezer. Then remove the mousse from the mold and gently let it defrost in your fridge.

Here I fill the yoghurt mousse with a delicious rhubarb & vanilla broth.

Baileys Cremeux

2 leaves or 3.3 grams


200 grams


100 grams


40 grams

egg yolk

10 grams

corn starch


vanilla pod

100 grams

white chocolate

First soak the gelatin in cold water. Then pour the baileys into a saucepan and also add the cream, the egg yolk and the corn starch. Now cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds. Add them to the saucepan and then while stirring bring the cremeux to a boil on a medium heat. Once it has thickened turn off your heat and dissolve the gelatin. Then also add the white chocolate and mix it well till smooth. After that pour it into a piping bottle and fill the bottom of your bigger mold halfway. Then gently add your interior on top. Now close the mold with the top half and press it well. Once that’s done fill it completely with the cremeux and make sure you press the nozzle well in the corners. Then let it set in your freezer for at least 6 hours.

Layered Honey Tuille

60 gram

egg white

40 grams

sunflower oil

10 grams


50 grams


50 grams


2 grams


Pour the egg white into a blender and also add the sunflower oil, the butter, the honey, the flour and the salt. Blend this till smooth. Once it’s smooth you can spread it on a honey grid mold. Now level it and then bake it at 160 degrees Celsius till golden brown. This takes around 20 minutes. Then let this cool down completely. After that take some more tuille batter and apply a thin layer on top of the whole mold. Now bake it for a couple of minutes till it starts to color. Then while it’s still hot gently remove it from the mold and let it cool down. Now portion it into 4 tuilles and trim all the edges but one short side. Then gently fold it into a cylinder and press it well so the ends stick to each other. Once that’s done let them dry at 80 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes till completely crispy. Then keep them dry and covered for later.

Even without the double layer the tuille is already very delicious and the recipe is super easy to remove from the mold and shape.

Chocolate Tuille

60 grams

egg white

40 grams

sunflower oil

10 grams


50 grams


25 grams


25 grams

cacao powder

Mix the egg white with the sunflower oil, the butter, the sugar, the flour and the cacao powder. Now blend it till smooth. Once it’s smooth spread it on a branche tuille mold. Then bake it at 160 degrees Celsius for around 20 minutes. When the mold is still hot remove the tuilles to prevent them from breaking. Keep them dry and covered for later.

Green Herb Tuille

30 grams

soft green herb leave

150 grams

neutral oil (I use sunflower oil)

Transfer the herb leaves into a blender together with the neutral oil. Now blend this till the oil is 65 degrees Celsius. The oil will heat up from the friction. Once done let it drain on a sieve that lined with a kitchen paper. Do this in your fridge.

60 grams

egg white

60 grams

green herb oi

6 grams


8 grams


50 grams


Pour the egg white in a blender, also add the green herb oil, the salt, the sugar and the flour. Now blend this till smooth. Once smooth spread it on a silicon mold. Now bake it at 150 degrees Celsius for around 8 minutes. Then gently remove when still hot and keep them dry and covered for later.

Onion Tuille


sweet onions

30 grams

neutral oil (I use sunflower oil)

30 grams

egg white

12 grams


30 grams


6 grams


First clean the onions and chop them. Now drizzle some oil in a pan and glaze the onions with the salt. Then weigh 90 grams of the glazed onion in a blender and also add the oil, the egg white, the sugar and the flour. Blend this. Now spread it on a silicon mold and then bake it at 150 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Remove the tuilles when still hot and if preferred dust some toasted onion powder on top.

Black Sardine Tuille

1 can


45 grams

egg white

3 grams


40 grams


20 grams


8 grams


3 grams

squid ink

For this recipe I use the oil from a can of sardine. Weigh 30 grams of the oil and then transfer it into a blender. Now also add the egg white, the salt, the flour, the sugar, the butter and the squid ink. Blend this till smooth. Once smooth spread it on a tuille mold. After that bake them at 160 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes till dry and crispy. Then remove them when still hot to prevent them from breaking.

Lemon Peel Tuille

a couple of lemons

60 grams

egg white

40 grams

sunflower oil

10 grams


50 gramss


50 grams


First peel a couple of lemons. Only peel the skin and not the pith. This is very bitter. Now spread it on the tray and let it dry at 60 degrees Celsius or in a microwave at 600 Watt for around 7 minutes. Once the peels are dry transfer them into a blender and blend them into a fine powder. Keep it dry and covered for later. Then mix the egg white with the sunflower oil, the butter, the flour and the sugar. Blend this till you have a smooth batter. Then spread it on a tuille mold and level the top with a pallet knife. Now dust a thin layer of the lemon peel powder on top and bake them at 150 degrees Celsius for around 15 minutes till baked, but not colored. Keep them dry and covered for later.