Dark Choclate Mousse

50 gramssugar
20 gramswater
90 gramswhole egg
2 leaves or 3.3 gramsgelatin
100 gramscream
180 gramsdark chocolate
200 gramscream

Mix the sugar with the water and heat this up till the temperature is 121 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile pour the whole egg into a mixing bowl and start beating it. Once the egg is fluffy and the syrup is at temperature slowly add it to the bowl and beat it till completely cold. While that’s happening soak the gelatin in cold water. Then pour the 100 grams of cream into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Now turn off the heat and dissolve the gelatin. Then add the dark chocolate and mix it well. Set it aside for later. Now pour the 200 grams of cream into a bowl and beat it till it’s at yoghurt thickness. Then take the fluffy egg yolks and add your chocolate ganache. Gently fold this together and then add the whipped cream. Also gently fold this together till it’s an even fluffy chocolate mousse. Now fill your desired mold threequarters with the mousse and tap the mold a couple of times to remove any air bubbles. Then press the frozen interior in there and level it with a pallet knife. Now let it set completely in your freezer.

Do you want to make it yourself?

Oval Swirl Molds

A high-quality silicone mold with the shape of a Oval Swirl. The molds contains each 4 shapes and are made of 100% food grade silicone.

The mold can withstand a temperature between -40 °C and +200 °C. The mold is therefore suitable for both the (shock) freezer and the oven.


Are you ready to create your next best dish? Give us a call!

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