Edible oyster shell

300 gramsfish broth
70 gramsflour
70 gramsoat flour
25 gramscorn starch
3 gramssalt
2 gramssquid ink

Pour the fish broth into a measuring jar and also add the flour, the oat flour, the corn starch and the salt. Now blend this till smooth. Then pour half of the batter into a small jar and add the squid ink to the remaining batter. Blend this till it has an even color. Once that’s done heat up some frying oil till it’s 170 degrees Celsius and heat up the oyster stamp as well. Once it’s hot pour the white base into a small container and drizzle the dark base on top. Make a preferred pattern with a tweezer. Then dip the stamp into the batter for around 5 seconds and let it sit for a minute to dry before deep frying it. Now deep fry the pie tee for around a minute till it starts to color. Once it starts to color gently press it off the stamp and take it out off the hot oil. Then let them cool down completely. Now place them with the flat side down and spray a touch of silver spray on top. I always do this outside, otherwise you’ll be seeing glitters for weeks. Then dry them at 50 degrees Celsius for an hour or two.

200 gramsmarrow bones
20 gramscacao butter
25 gramswhite chocolate
2 gramssalt

Meanwhile toast the marrow bones at 180 degrees Celsius for an hour. This will melt the marrow and create a wonderful, toasted flavor. Now take them out of the oven and let them cool down for a minute. Then scrape the marrow out of the bone and measure 45 grams into a blender. Also add the cacao butter, the white chocolate and the salt. Blend this till smooth. The chocolate and cacao butter will melt from the heat of the toasted marrow. After that pass it through a fine sieve and let it cool down till it starts to thicken, but it still is liquid enough to pour. Then use a brush to add a layer on the inside of the oyster pie tee’s. You’ll probably need to add 2 or 3 layers and let it set in between. Without the marrow layer you can keep them dry and covered for a couple of days, but with the marrow you can keep them dry and covered for a day or two.

Do you want to make it yourself?

Realistic Oyster Pie Tee

A high-quality aluminium stamp with the shape of a realistic oyster. This aluminum pie tee stamp is perfect for both hot and cold preparations. This mold can be used to make crispy batter tartlette’s that can be filled afterwards.


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