Fish Farce

100 gramsfish trimmings
3 gramssalt
50 gramsbutter
90 gramscream

Transfer the fish trimmings into a blender. Also add the egg, the salt, the butter and the zest from a quarter of a lime. Now blend this till completely smooth. Be sure it stays cold to prevent the farce from splitting. Then add the cold cream and once it’s incorporated directly stop blending. After that transfer it on a sieve and press it through using a dough scraper or a ladle. This step isn’t totally necessary, but it really improves the texture!

Now fill you desired mold and steam it at 71 degrees Celsius for around 15 to 25 minutes.

Do you want to make it yourself?

Fish Cylinder

A high-quality silicone mold with the shape of a cylider with fishscales. The molds contains 1 shape and is made of 100% food grade silicone.

The mold can withstand a temperature between -40 °C and +200 °C. The mold is therefore suitable for both the (shock) freezer and the oven.


Are you ready to create your next best dish? Give us a call!

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