Green Herb Tuille

30 grams soft green herb leaves 150 grams neutral oil (I use sunflower oil) Transfer the herb leaves into a blender together with the neutral oil. Now blend this till the oil is 65 degrees Celsius. The oil will heat up from the friction. Once done let it drain on a sieve that lined with […]

Fig leaf tuille

30 grams fig leaves 150 grams neutral oil (I use sunflower oil) Transfer the fig leaves into a blender together with the neutral oil. Now blend this till the oil is 65 degrees Celsius. The oil will heat up from the friction. Once done let it drain on a sieve that lined with a kitchen […]

Beetroot pie tee

900 grams beetroot juice 20 grams balsamic vinegar 50 grams flour 50 grams rice flour 25 grams corn starch 1 egg 3 grams salt First bring the beetroot juice to a simmer and let it reduce till it weighs 280 grams. Now add the balsamic vinegar and then let it cool down completely. Then add […]

Spinach Pie Tee

300 grams vegetable broth 50 grams spinach 50 grams flour 50 grams rice flour 25 grams corn starch 1 egg 3 grams salt First bring the vegetable broth to a boil and once it’s boiling add the spinach. Now directly cool this down as fast as possible. Then transfer it into a blender and blend […]

Baileys Cremeux

2 leaves or 3.3 grams gelatin 200 grams baileys 100 grams cream 40 grams egg yolk 10 grams corn starch 1/2 vanilla pod 100 grams white chocolate First soak the gelatin in cold water. Then pour the baileys into a saucepan and also add the cream, the egg yolk and the corn starch. Now cut […]

Onion Tuille

2 sweet onions 30 grams neutral oil (I use sunflower oil) 30 grams egg white 12 grams sugar 30 grams flour 6 grams salt First clean the onions and chop them. Now drizzle some oil in a pan and glaze the onions with the salt. Then weigh 90 grams of the glazed onion in a […]

Lemon peel tuille

​ a couple of lemons 60 grams egg white 40 grams sunflower oil 10 grams butter 50 grams flour 50 grams sugar First peel a couple of lemons. Only peel the skin and not the pith. This is very bitter. Now spread it on the tray and let it dry at 60 degrees Celsius or […]

Black Sardine Tuille

1 can sardines 45 grams egg white 3 grams salt 40 grams flour 20 grams sugar 8 grams butter 3 grams squid ink For this recipe I use the oil from a can of sardine. Weigh 30 grams of the oil and then transfer it into a blender. Now also add the egg white, the […]