White Chocolate Mousse

2 leaves or 3.3 gramsgelatin
100 gramscream
180 gramswhite chocolate
200 gramscream
50 gramssugar
20 gramswater
90 gramsegg

First soak the gelatin in cold water. Then pour the 100 grams of cream into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Once it’s boiling dissolve the gelatin and add the white chocolate. Mix this till completely emulsified. Then pour the 200 grams of cream into a bowl and beat it until it’s at yoghurt thickness. After that transfer the sugar into a saucepan together with the water. Heat this up till it’s 118 degrees Celsius. While the suger is heating up transfer the egg into a mixing bowl and start mixing it. Once the egg is fluffy add the hot sugar syrup and beat this till it’s at room temperature. Now pour the white chocolate ganache on the egg mixture and fold it together. Then pour the egg mixture on the beaten cream and gently fold this together. Now fill your desired mold and let it set in your fridge for 30 minutes. After that let it set in your freezer. Once its frozen remove it from the mold and slowly let it defrost in your fridge.

Do you want to make it yourself?

Sphere Mold Medium

A high-quality silicone mold with the shape of a sphere. The mold contains 28 shapes and is made of 100% food grade silicone.

The mold can withstand a temperature between -40 °C and +200 °C. The mold is therefore suitable for both the (shock) freezer and the oven.


Are you ready to create your next best dish? Give us a call!

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